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Cosmetic Dentistry

1Do I need cosmetic treatment?
If you want to
● Change the size, shape, and alignment of certain teeth.
● Fill in unattractive spaces between teeth.
● Improve or correct bites.
● Lighten or brighten the color of teeth.
● Repair decayed, broken, cracked, or chipped teeth.
● Replace missing teeth.
● Replace old, unattractive dental treatments.
You are a candidate for cosmetic dentistry
2What types of cosmetic treatments are available to me?
There are many types of cosmetic treatments available. They are chosen based on the diagnosis and your needs. They can include professional In-Office whitening, tooth-colored fillings, crowns, veneers, inlays, onlays, dental implants.
3Are veneers durable?
Yes. If the tooth and veneer are well prepared, this restoration can be very very durable. You need to take care of veneers as much as you take care of your own tooth. Whatever that can harm your tooth can harm your veneers as well. There is history of 18 year old veneers as well. For more information do not hesitate to contact us.
4What should I expect during whitening procedure in the office?
First step, your teeth are fully examined by our specialist. In case of presence of any tooth cavity or tooth tartar, they all must be treated before whitening procedure. Then the whitening can start with first polishing all your teeth. Then isolating your lips and gums, after comes the whitening gel which is put on your teeth and activated by our Beyond whitening lamp.
5How long does the whitening procedure last?
Every session consists of 3 times 10 minute treatment. Most of the time you will get satisfying results in only one session. In some cases due to your desire for whiter teeth and diagnosis of our specialist a second session might be needed.
6Will my teeth become sensitive after the whitening procedure?
With Beyond technology all harmful heat and ultraviolet light are removed that results in reducing the risk of sensitivity during or after the treatment.


1Do I need prosthodontic treatment?
You will need prosthodontic treatment if:
You are missing one or more teeth;
You want to improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Root Canal Treatments

1Am I a candidate for root canal treatment
If the tooth decay has infected the nerve of the tooth you need root canal treatment
2How can I know that the tooth’s nerve is infected ?
When you have severe pain when you bite and chew on food. Sometimes your face swells because of inflammation. These are some of the symptoms that can lead you to realize the tooth’s nerve is infected.
3Do I need treatment even if the swelling is gone?
Yes. The tooth can not heal itself and the bacteria are not removed without treatment. If the treatment is ignored or postponed, the inflammation can spread into your body and can endanger your general health.

More than 1000 successful treatments


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